Ebook Piracy: Pirates Suck
I’m not getting into the debate about ebook piracy because my stance has been the same for nearly twenty years. No amount of debate is going to sway me on it. There are plenty of places to get free ebooks legally, and I am always running promotions giving away select titles for free. All of my book series have had a run in Kindle Unlimited at some point. Some were in it for three years. Most of my titles are available for libraries to carry.
Needless to say, I’m against having my books pirated and do everything I can to stop it. I’m going to link to some articles here. They’re on my husband’s site. He runs a DMCA Takedown Service for Authors (if that tells you anything about my stance on piracy). LOL
Here is a great article about the fight against ebook piracy and where to find free ebooks legally: “The Fight Against eBook Piracy: Protecting Indie Authors.”
Here is a great write-up on how ebook piracy hurts authors in Kindle Unlimited: Kindle Unlimited (KDP Select), Kindle Direct Publishing, and Book Piracy

Free Ebooks the Legal Way
I have a number of ebooks offered for FREE. You can find them by clicking HERE.