One-Day Romance Extravaganza: 1000+ FREE eBooks for Your eReader!
Attention all romance readers! We have an incredible announcement that you won’t want to miss. For one day only, on March 31, 2023, we’re offering over 1000 FREE romance novels for you to download and enjoy on your Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Apple Books, or Google Play eReader!
From heart-fluttering first kisses to heart-stopping suspense, our collection of free-for-a-limited-time romance novels covers every genre and subgenre imaginable. No matter your preferred style or taste, you’re sure to find something you’ll adore.
But hurry, this amazing offer is only valid for 24 hours on March 31, 2023! Be sure to visit your preferred ebook retailer on the big day and fill your eReader with as many free romance novels as you can handle.
Click here for the complete list of participating authors and titles: EVENT PAGE