Sources used in writing Out of the Dark
Amorose, Vicki Krohn. Art-Write: the Writing Guide for Visual Artists. Luminare Press, 2013.
Bland, Paul C. The Savannah Walking Tour & Guidebook: the Essential Guide to Historic Savannah: Including 4 Unique Walking Tours. Coastal Books & Souvenirs, 2010.
Bushkovitch, Paul. A Concise History of Russia. Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Figes, Orlando. Hundert Jahre Revolution Russland Und Das 20. Jahrhundert. Dtv Verlagsgesellschaft, 2017.
George, Adrian. The Curator’s Handbook: Museums, Commercial Galleries, Independent Spaces. Thames and Hudson, 2017.
Girst, Thomas, and Magnus Resch. 100 Secrets of the Art World: Everything You Always Wanted to Know about the Arts but Were Afraid to Ask. Koenig Books, 2016.
Jr., Marty Skovlund. “5 Weird Pieces of Gear Special Operators Rely On.” Task & Purpose, Task & Purpose, 14 Feb. 2017, taskandpurpose.com/weird-special-operations-gear.
Jurkofsky, Maryann. A Self-Guided Tour of Savannah. Schiffer Publishing Ltd, 2012.
Khodarkovsky, Michael. Russia’s Steppe Frontier: the Making of a Colonial Empire, 1500-1800. Indiana University Press, 2005.
Lewin, Moshe, and Gregory Elliott. The Soviet Century. Verso, 2016.
Morekis, Jim. Charleston & Savannah. Avalon Travel, 2018.
Resch, Magnus. Management of Art Galleries. Phaidon, 2018.
Shovava. “Exploring the Fantastic History of Gargoyles in Gothic Architecture.” My Modern Met, 6 Apr. 2018, mymodernmet.com/what-is-a-gargoyle/.
“SpecialForces.com.” Special Forces Gear, 2019, www.specialforces.com/article-specialforces-com.
Steinberg, Mark D. A History of Russia. from Peter the Great to Gorbachev: Course Guidebook. Teaching Co., 2003.
Westad, Odd Arne. Cold War: a World History. Basic Books, 2019.
Williams, Gilda. How to Write about Contemporary Art. Thames & Hudson, 2017.